It's an open and shut case. The hospital is at fault. 这件事一目了然,责任在医院一方。
The Queen will visit the small town in April, when she will open the new hospital. 女王将于四月访问小镇,到时,她将主持这家新病院的开业典礼。
Objective To investigate the effect of open nursing management on hospital rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia. 目的探讨开放式管理对精神分裂症患者院内康复的影响。
Objective To discuss about the results and existing problems of the clinical application by the open management and care of mental patients in the hospital. 目的探讨开放式管理和护理在住院精神病患者中的临床应用效果及存在的问题。
Facing gradually open medical market, the hospital expanded run under regional health planning. Thus, the hospital should manage to finance. 面对逐渐开放的医疗市场,医院在符合区域卫生规划前提下的扩张经营将是大势所趋,这就要求医院想方设法进行筹资。
The object of his visit was to open the new hospital. 他访问的目的是来主持那家新医院的开幕仪式。
Survey on Mental Health Status of Nurse in Open Wards and Close Wards of Mental Hospital 精神科开放与封闭病房护士心理健康状况调查
She sold the Lincoln Continentallimousine, a gift from the Pope, at auction and used the money to open a hospital for leprosy. 她将教皇赠送给她的一部林肯轿车拍卖,并用所得款项开办了一家麻风病院。
The Queen will visit the town in May when she will open the new hospital. 女王将于五月间访问该城,届时她将一所新医院的开幕典礼。
They decided to open a new hospital. 他们决定在这儿办一家新医院。
This article analyzes the characteristics of the information resource and elaborates several ways of carrying out test reagent information system under the open market environment in hospital. 通过对信息资源系统的专业性、时效性、实用性和服务性等的论述,阐述了医疗单位建立临床检验试剂信息资源系统的必要性。
Open a business, new shop, hospital, etc. 开公司、新商店、医院等。
The procedure of open invite tenders of medical equipment in hospital 医院医疗设备院内公开招标的程序
The effect of open management in hospital on rehabilitation of chronic schizophrenia patient 医院内开放管理对慢性精神分裂症患者康复的影响
Objective To explore cognition status of the accompanying relatives of the psychiatric patients in open managing hospital in order to offer basis of the effective mental intervention. 目的探讨开放管理精神病住院患者陪护亲属的认知现状,为实施有效的心理干预提供依据。
Objective To investigate the mental health state of nurses in open management pattern psychiatric hospital and explore the corresponding method for the nurse's mental health in psychiatric department. 目的了解开放式管理模式下精神病院护士的心理健康状况,探索精神科护士心理健康的应对措施。
Open hospital and promote development 开放办院促进发展
This method need general anesthesia and have greater trauma, more complications and longer hospitalization. However this therapy is a straightforward undoubtedly open surgery and has been developed in the hospital proverbially. 这种方法需要全身麻醉,创伤大、痛苦大,并发症多,住院时间长,还需要较长时间的留置T管。
Application of double treatment based on differentiation of syndromes ( DTBDS) on neurasthenia in open psychological ward of general hospital 神经衰弱患者二重辩证施治在综合医院开放性心理病房的应用
Conclusion: The early treatment of open soft tissue injury without fracture before hospital is simple and effective haemostasis. Further haemostasis, antishock, debridement and suturing as well as reconstruction function must be performed immediately in hospital. 结论:无骨折开放性软组织创伤的早期治疗首先是院前的简单有效止血,院内的进一步止血、抗休克治疗,再是清创缝合、重建功能。
Possibility of psychotic patients treated in open wards in general hospital 精神病患者回归综合医院开放病房治疗可行性研究
Conclusion Nurses in open management pattern psychiatric hospital have obvious mental health problem, and it is necessary to reinforce mental health for nurses in psychiatric department, especially those having 8~ 11 years of nursing age. 结论开放式管理模式下精神病院护士存在明显心理健康问题,应加强精神科护士特别是8 ̄11年护龄护士的心理健康维护。
So, it is very important to have a standard program of open invite tenders of medical equipment in hospital. 因此,探索出一套相对标准的招标程序对医院在院内公开招标购买医疗仪器设备有着非常重要的意义。
With the development of reformation of the medical system and the open of the medical service market, hospital, once to be pure warfare business unit, has been pushed to face market gradually. 随着我国医疗体制改革的深入和医疗服务市场的进一步开放,医院由纯福利性事业单位被逐渐推向市场。
Methods 40 of 82 patients ( 48.8%) with intra-articular fracture of the base of the first metacarpal treated with open reduction and internal fixations in our hospital from 1978 to 1998 were involved in the study. 方法对1978-1998年间,在我科治疗的40例闭合性第一掌骨基底关节内骨折的患者进行远期随访观察。
In order to develop the hospital comprehensively in new situation, headquarters policy of "Emancipate the mind, Open door hospital" should be carried out and cooperation on the talents, technique, equipments and funds. 面对诸多变化,只有贯彻总部解放思想、开门办院的指示,在人才、技术、设备、资金等医院发展要素上进行多方位的合作,才能促进医院全面发展。
Open adrenal surgery has some advantages in total hospital charges. 3. 开放性肾上腺切除术在总住院费用方面具有一定优势。
Endoscopic thyroid surgery compared to open surgery, the long operation time, hospital costs, relatively high risk of complications. 但是腔镜甲状腺手术相对于开放手术,所需手术时间长,住院费用高,发生并发症的风险相对高。
⑵ It aims to transform a traditional half-closed management model into a modern open management and service model of hospital archival management departments. It would be better for archival work to serve for the public. ⑵为了实现医院档案管理部门由传统的半封闭式管理模式向现代的开放式管理服务模式的转变,使档案工作更好地为院务公开工作服务。